John Wayne Airport’s (JWA) Fly Friendly (FF) software combines four elements into a weighted score for each operator on an annual basis. JWA awards 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards per tier, for a total of 12 annual awards.
Elements 1 and 2 as listed below are the program’s primary, measurable elements gathered through the monitoring of aircraft operations and noise levels. Elements 3 and 4 are subjective and considered bonus elements. The final score for each operator is determined by summing the weighed primary elements (1 and 2) and then adding any additional bonus element points earned (3 and 4).
- Quietest Departures: 75 Points
- Nighttime Noise Reduction: 25 Points
- Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability: (up to) 5 Bonus Points
- Most Engaging: (up to) 5 Bonus Points
The FF software program groups operators into the following tiers for scoring purposes. It is important to note that Part 135 Operators (charter) are separated from N-Number Operators because they have much more frequent operations (takeoffs and landings):
- Tier 1: Part 135 Operators 1 – 15 (top 15 in terms of annual operations)
- Tier 2: Part 135 Operators 16 – 30
- Tier 3: Part 135 Operators 31 – those having at least 24 annual operations (12 arrivals and 12 departures)
- Tier 4: N-Number Operators – those having at least 24 annual operations (12 arrivals and 12 departures)
JWA’s FF scoring report will be updated monthly. Subscribe to receive text or email notifications when the report has been updated.
Scoring Report
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